Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November 16-22

MONDAY 16/11-No training. Achilles getting a little TLC.

TUESDAY 17/11-8.25K with Anne @ 5.20 pace.

WEDNESDAY 18/11- 5.5K easy.

THURSDAY 19/11- Kedumba Pass, 15.5K in 1.52. Ran well until a couple of K up the Pass, then suffered badly in the heat.

FRIDAY 20/11 and SATURDAY 21/11- No training.

SUNDAY 22/11- 17K in 2.20 with Anne and Jo, rough going with lots of steps on the Cliff Walk on a hot day. Felt okay.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 9-15.

MONDAY 9/11- AM- 5.5K hilly road run, Wentworth Falls- Leura.
PM- 8K road run, flatter- Leura-Wentworth Falls.

TUESDAY 10/11- AM- 8K trail run with Anne, Darwins- Shortcut- Nature Track.
PM- RPM Class and 4K run around Catalina Park.
WEDNESDAY 11/11- Brick session, 21K on bike and 3K run. Hot day.
THURSDAY 12/11- 2 reps of Furber Steps, 11K, in 23.07 and 24.06. Improving. Good session, some competition out there.... pulled up with a sore achilles- right hand side- opposite to the one that was stuffed back in April.
FRIDAY 13/11- 6.5K run on Narrowneck with Scam in misty conditions. Achilles a bit sore.
SATURDAY 14/11- No training.
SUNDAY 15/11- Mt Hay Rd- Lockleys Pylon- Blue Gum Swamp- return. 13K, 2hrs 50, very steep and hot. Achilles still a bit tender.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 2-8.

MONDAY 2/11- 5.5K run on a hot morning, hilly roads from WF to Leura.

TUESDAY 3/11- 6.5K run, bit of road, bit of golf course, bit of bush.

WEDNESDAY 4/11- AM- 8K run, half road, half trail, misty weather.
PM- RPM Class, 4K run round Catalina Park- brick session basically.

THURSDAY 5/11- Kedumba Pass, 15.5K in 1.44, ascent in 64 minutes. Cool, misty day running with the Upper Mountains Chapter of BMMC. Not a bad run.

FRIDAY 6/11- 6K, Furber Steps- Federal Pass- Giant Staircase- Cliff Walk with Nathan. Slow, tough run on flooded trails, 58 minutes!

SATURDAY 7/11- 1K swim in 25.32 and a slow 5K run.

SUNDAY 8/11- No training.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 26- November 1.

MONDAY 26/10- 6K run, felt crappy.

TUESDAY 27/10- 10.5K run with Anne, half road, half grass (golf course). Felt quite good, hopeful that I'm getting over the 100K.
Pushups Test- 33.

WEDNESDAY 28/10- RPM Class.
Also a 7K bushwalk at Blackheath.

THURSDAY 29/10- 11K, two reps of Furber Stairs with Anne, John, Actionman and Nathan. Reps were 23.04 and 25.05.

FRIDAY 30/10- Easy 5K, calf muscles quite tender.

SATURDAY 31/10- Easy 6K.

SUNDAY 1/11- 1600m swimming drills with ST and a 3K run.

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19-25.

MONDAY 19/10- 1K swim in 27.18. Oh, boy....
PM- 9K trail run at Knapsack with BMMC. Got pretty tired from about 4K.

TUESDAY 20/10- Tired 7K run with Anne.
Pushups- 18, 22, 16, 16, 25.

WEDNESDAY 21/10- RPM Class.

THURSDAY 22/10- 40 minutes swimming drills with ST.

FRIDAY 23/10- Easy 6K run. Legs tender from kicking drills.
Pushups- 20, 25, 20, 20, 24 (should have been 28)

SATURDAY 24/10- 1K swimming drills finishing with 200m in 4.08, and a 4K run round Catalina Park.

SUNDAY 25/10- 18K run on Narrowneck with Actionman. Very slow.
Pushups- 23, 28, 23, 23, 33. Last set brutally tough and slow.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 12-18.

MONDAY 12/10 and TUESDAY 13/10- No training, recovery.

WEDNESDAY 14/10- Slow 5K run.
Pushups- 12, 17, 13, 13, 17

THURSDAY 15/10- No training.

FRIDAY 16/10- AM- Easy 7K with John. Knees a little tender.
Lunch- 1K swim in 26.54. Oh, so slow.
Pushups- 14, 19, 14, 14, 19

SATURDAY 17/10- No training.

SUNDAY 18/10- Easy 6K past the Lake. Tired.
Pushups- 16, 21, 15, 15, 21. Last set was very hard.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 5-11.

MONDAY 5/10- 6K ascent of Mt Imlay. 600m ascent and descent. Not flat, nearly two hours for 6K! Good fun.
Pushups- 12, 17, 13, 13, 9 (meant to be 17 on the last set)

TUESDAY 6/10- No training

WEDNESDAY 7/10- 10K run @ 5.17min/km along Warrnambool Beach Promenade.
Pushups- 12, 17, 13, 13, 20

THURSDAY 8/10- 3K walk up and down Mt Noorat, Victoria. Tapering for the 100K.

FRIDAY 9/10- 2K walk at Triplet Falls.
Pushups- 12, 17, 13, 13, 17

SATURDAY 10/10- Great Ocean 100K in 18.17. Report at Coolrunning.

SUNDAY 11/10- No training. Buggered.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 28- October 4.

MONDAY 28/9- 11.5K very hilly road run with Anne M.
Pushups- sets of 9, 11, 8, 8, 11

TUESDAY 29/9- AM- 10K South Wenty Run with Anne M, half road, half trail
PM- BMMC Espresso Run at Knapsack Reserve with Scambullant and GPB. 5.5K of trail nirvana.

WEDNESDAY 30/9- 6K easy, half trail, half road. Legs felt thrashed.
Pushups- sets of 10, 12, 9, 9, 13

THURSDAY 1/10- AM- 11K South and North Wenty @ 5.22min/km with Anne M and John G. Felt pretty good.
PM- 16K of Kedumba with Actionman. Warm day. Big hills.

FRIDAY 2/10- RPM Class. Legs thrashed from the previous day.
Pushups- sets of 12, 13, 10, 10, 19

SATURDAY 3/10- 6K to the golf course in rain, mist, cold, wind.

SUNDAY 4/10- 11K on Merimbula Beach. Loving it.
Pushups- Progress Test- 23.

September 21-27

First week of existence as a man of leisure....

MONDAY 21/9- AM 11K run around South and North Wenty with Anne M.
PM- 5K run around local streets
PLUS embarked on the 100 Pushups Program. Did the following sets- 6, 6, 4, 4, 10

TUESDAY 22/9- 6K run barefoot on grass


THURSDAY 24/9- 17K on Kedumba with Actionman (two reps from the top to the sign)- a touch under 900m climb and descent.
Pushups- sets of 6, 8, 6, 6, 9

FRIDAY 25/9- 11K run around South and North Wenty with Anne and John.

SATURDAY 26/9- AM- RPM Class
PM- 6.5K run past the lake
Pushups- sets of 8, 10, 7, 7, 11

SUNDAY 27/9- No training

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 7-14.

MONDAY 7/9- RPM Class.

TUESDAY 8/9- Hill reps on Falls Rd. 2.5K warmup, 5 x 230m reps in 57, 59, 53, 53, 55 seconds. 1K warmdown.

THURSDAY 10/9- 2 Reps of Furber Steps with Actionman. Cooks Bridge- Furber Steps- Kiosk- Cliff Drive- Landslide Lookout x 2. 11K total, reps in 23.53 and 24.54.

FRIDAY 11/9- 4.25K run and RPM Class. Ran round the old Catalina Park racetrack, then straight onto the bike. Felt yesterday's stairs every minute of the session. Legs are now thoroughly trashed.

Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31- September 6.

MONDAY 31/8- 7.5K run to gym, RPM Class, 7.5K run home. Cold afternoon. Totally rooted when I got home, nearly fell asleep eating dinner.

TUESDAY 1/9- 5K run on local trails. Still stuffed.

THURSDAY 3/9- 5K run on local trails.

FRIDAY 4/9- 6.25K lake loop.

SATURDAY 5/9- 26K Woodford-Glenbrook night run.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 17-23.

Missed about a month of regular training with unexpected work commitments followed by the flu, but last week ran 5 days and cycled one, so back into it again...

MONDAY 17/8- RPM Class at Katoomba.

TUESDAY 18/8- AM- 9K run easy on trails with Anne M.
PM- RPM Class at Springwood. Really suffered in this one.

WEDNESDAY 19/8- PM- 10K of stairs and trails with Actionman.
Evening- RPM Class at Springwood.

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6 -12.

MONDAY 6/7- 31K cycle to work. Legs felt okay after the KOM actually, but haven't ridden for a few weeks and it told on every hill.

TUESDAY 7/7- 6.25K @ 5.25min/km past the Lake. Felt pretty flat.

WEDNESDAY 8/7- No run.

THURSDAY 9/7- Slow 6.25K, fairly uninspired.

FRIDAY 10/7- 7.25K Lake Run with Reservoir Trail Loop extension @ 5.31min/km, first run with new toy, Garmin Forerunner 310XT.

SATURDAY 11/7- 6.25K Lake Run @ 4.55min/km, felt pretty good and moving well today.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 29- July 5.

MONDAY 29/6- No run.

TUESDAY 30/6- 23K @ 5.49min/km. Springwood- Tusculum Rd- Greens Pde- Rickard Rd- 5 Ways- Finchs Lookout- 5 Ways- Shit Hill- Sun Valley- Greens Pde- Tusculum Rd- Springwood. With Sarge, almost the same as the loop we did about 10 days ago, but run in the other direction. Felt okay but slow till 6K to go, then picked it up. Faster than the 23K the other day. Not flat.

WEDNESDAY 1/7, THURSDAY 2/7, FRIDAY 3/7- No run. Felt very tired, headachy and sniffly- bit of a sinus problem I think.

SATURDAY 4/7- 6K @ 5.20min/km past the Lake.

SUNDAY 5/7- Shoalhaven King of the Mountain. 32K, 3.04, 5.42min/km. Decent run today, happy to get some evidence of how the comeback progresses. In two previous attempts at the 32K option I'd done 2.58 and 3.08 so hoped to fall between them. Set out with Cliffold at the start and noticed at the 4K mark we were running sub-5 min/km so eased off a bit and let Cliffold go. Took it fairly steady till the big hill then picked it up, passed quite a few people and came in at 3.04, so well pleased. Nice day, good conditions. Had a chat with Tim at the finish then had to bugger off to work.

Couple of good runs this week but only 61K total.

Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22-28.

MONDAY 22/6- South and North Wenty. 12K @ 5.27min/km. Felt like utter shit for first 4K then gradually picked it up.

TUESDAY 23/6- Penrith/Leonay 11.5K @ 5.20min/km. With Shogun, a few quick km along the river, some hilly streets in Leonay, then finishing with a couple of sub 5 Ks along the river. Never felt that great really.

WEDNESDAY 24/6- No run.

THURSDAY 25/6- 31K @ 5.42min/km- Springwood- Faulconbridge- Grose Rd- Faulconbridge Point- return. With Sarge. Felt pretty good for the first 20km then faded. Roughly half road, half firetrail. The lookout at Faulconbridge Point is sublime.

FRIDAY 26/6- Slow 8K. Recovery.

SATURDAY 27/6- 6.5K @ 5.18min/km past the Lake. Getting ready for W2G. Felt pretty good.

SUNDAY 28/6- Woodford to Glenbrook Race, 25K in 2.11, 5.12min/km. Not a great time, not a bad time. At least Renee Artup only beat me by 2mins this time, unlike the 6 mins she beat me by at NOSH.

94K for the week.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 15-21

MONDAY June 15- South and North Wenty, 12K @ 5.29min/km. Felt flat and struggled a bit today.

TUESDAY June 16- South and North Wenty, 12K @ 5.18min/km. Felt much better today.

WEDNESDAY 17/6- No run.

THURSDAY 18/6- 23K @ 5.56min/km- Burns Rd, Springwood- Tusculum Rd- Hudson FT- Green Pde- Sun Valley- Rosenthal FT- Shit Hill- Five Ways- Rickard Rd- Waratah St- Green Pde- Tusculum Rd- Burns Rd. Run with Sarge on cool, drizzly day. Some hills there.

FRIDAY 19/6- 13K @ 5.24min/km. To Sublime Point on the roads and back. Great views from the lookout. Felt a bit tired.

SATURDAY 20/6- South and North Wenty, 12K @ 5.26min/km. Tired for the first 4 or 5K, then improved. Cloudy, humid day with occasional drizzle, then occasional sun.

SUNDAY 21/6- No run. Stuffed after a massive Saturday night at work.

Only 72K for the week, missed two days.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 8-14.

MONDAY 8/6- 8K easy. 1.5K run to Pitt Park, 5K on the grass, 1.5K home. Still a bit tender. Cold gusty winds blowing.

TUESDAY 9/6- 11.5K North Wenty Loop. Valley Rd- Fletcher St- Falls Rd- Station St- Blaxland Rd- the Lake- Station St- Armstrong St- home. 11.5K @5.32min/km. Cold winds blowing out there today.

WEDNESDAY 10/6- Abridged North Wenty Loop Reversed. Armstrong St- Falls Rd- Station St- Blaxland Rd- the Lake- Station St- Armstrong St- home. 10K @ 5.22min/km. Night run with minus 5 windchill. Rugged up with UnderArmour tights, merino thermal, Netti shell jacket, polypro beanie and windstopper gloves and felt just fine all the way, decent run.

THURSDAY 11/6- Springwood- Linden- return, 20K @ 5.07min/km. Fairly straightforward run- uphill for 10K, turn around, come back. Pushed hard the last couple of km....

FRIDAY 12/6- Abridged North Wenty Loop, 10K@ 5.20min/km. Felt a little tender from the 20K yesterday. Sunny, still, cool conditions.

SATURDAY 13/6- Abridged North Wenty Loop, 10K @ 5.20min/km. Quite cool and cloudy, was rugged up in longsleeve coolmax, long tights, beanie and gloves.

SUNDAY 14/6- Armstrong St- Darwins Walk- Dalrymple Ave- GWH- Tableland Rd- QE Drive- return. 10K @ 5.38min/km. Was going to go longer today but felt flat and tired.

Only 80K this week, some decent runs though. Ran every day.

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1-7.

MONDAY 1/6- 31.5K cycle. Very slow and feeling very beat up.

TUESDAY 2/6- 10.5K run- Armstrong St- Darwins Walk- Dalrymple St- GWH- Tableland Rd- QE Drive- turnaround at Ingar gate- return. Bit beat up in the quads but finished fairly well actually.

WEDNESDAY 3/6- MORNING- 15.5K run, lap of Kedumba Pass with Sarge. Slow and steady on a foggy morning.
EVENING- RPM class at Katoomba gym.

THURSDAY 4/6- 19.5K run, 1.38, 5.01min/km- North Penrith- Cranebrook- Penrith Whitewater- River Walk- Nepean Bridges. With Shogun on his lunch break. Finished feeling like I'd worked hard, but not buggered. Happy with the pace, good run.

FRIDAY 5/6- 10K run- Armstrong St- Darwins Walk- Dalrymple St- GWH- Tableland Rd- QE Drive- Ingar gate- return. Very tender and slow this morning- was going to be a 16K, turned back early.

SATURDAY 6/6- 31K run, 2..42, 5.13min/km. Down the highway to work. Really happy with this run- previously it's been hard getting this much under 6min/km. Saw B+ on his bike at Linden. Things looking up.

SUNDAY 7/6- 14K run out and back on Tableland Rd. Dirt road for my beat up legs- a very slow amble along. Brought up 100K even for the week- second in a row, with a couple of encouraging runs in there.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 25-31.

MONDAY 25/5- 15K, Penrith- M4 Bridge- River Rd- Lapstone Trail- Lapstone Zig Zag- Knapsack Bridge- Emu Plains- Penrith. With Shogun from his work, mix of roads and some steep trails. Suffered a bit. 90 mins, 6min/km.

TUESDAY 26/5- 13.5K, Penrith River Walk out and back plus Nepean Bridges Loop, 5.23min/km. With Shogun again, unseasonably warm day. Wore new Adizero XTs, great shoe judging from first testing.

WEDNESDAY 27/5- 7.5K road run to Katoomba Gym, 45 minute RPM class, 7.5K road run home. On a wet and misty evening. Legs felt a bit beat up subsequently.

THURSDAY 28/5- No run.

FRIDAY 29/5- 7.5K road run to Katoomba Gym, 45 minute RPM class, 7.5K road run home. Very cold this morning, felt reasonably okay.

SATURDAY 30/5- 16K, Armstrong St- Darwin Walk- Dalrymple Ave- GWH- Tableland Rd- QE Drive- Ingar firetrail- turnaround at Aeroplane Hills FT junction- return. Cool misty morning run over varied surfaces, felt pretty decent.

SUNDAY 31/5- Great NOSH footrace and return run, 25.5K total incl. 15.5K race in 99.10. A course PW by 18 minutes! Lots of mud. Very grim run back, but totalled an even 100K running for the week (plus 2 RPM classes), which is something I suppose.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 18-24.

Recovered from achilles problems, missed the TNF100, training resumes...

MONDAY 18/5- 12K, home- Conservation Hut- Lilians Bridge- Fairmont- Cliff View Drive- Pool of Siloam- Gordon Falls Reserve- home. From now on to be known as the "Stair Run" as it is nothing but up and down steps, except for a km each way on bitumen in the middle. Took 1.40 for 12K!

TUESDAY 19/5- 6.5K, 1.5K warmup, 5 x 100m strides, 5 x 400m in 93, 94, 93, 93, 93, 1.5K warm down. First 400s in a while, hard friggin' work.

WEDNESDAY 20/5- 7.5K road run, home- highway- Scott Ave- Woodford Ave- Megalong St- return. Very hilly, misty, wet.

THURSDAY 21/5- No run.

FRIDAY 22/5- 12K road run, home- highway- Scott Ave- Gladstone St- Megalong St- Lovel St- Kingsford Smith Park- return. Very hilly! Did this at lunchtime but was geared up in goretex jacket and gloves, beane, tights, cold and wet....

SATURDAY 23/5- 5.5K Low Gear Lane loop at Warrimoo. Felt like utter shit.

SUNDAY 24/5- 12K stair run, same as Monday. Felt much better today.

Six days of running this week, only 55.5Ks but it's a start.

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13-19.

MONDAY 13/4- 31.5K. Ran to work again. At the start the achilles felt fine but gradually got sore, then sorer, although once past Hazelbrook the pain didn't seem to get any worse so just kept plodding along. Solid rain for the first 45 minutes, cloudy and a bit misty after that. Glad I got it done even though it was a slow shuffle.

Back on the ice packs and Voltaren tonight.

Given I did 3 x 30K runs in 4 days, not surprising that some body part rebelled.

TUESDAY 14/4- 31.5K cycle to work. Achilles very painful at the start but manageable by the end.

WEDNESDAY 15/4- 34K cycle to the mechanics to collect the van. Achilles a bit better, very stiff still. Having trouble finding a good practitioner this week, the two fellows I would normally consult are both on Easter holidays....

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6- 12.

MONDAY 6/4- No run. Buggered.

TUESDAY 7/4- Double Kedumba Pass, 30km, 1300m climbing and descent. With Sleep Train on a cool and misty morning. Felt okay, left achilles feeling a bit rough by the end.

WEDNESDAY 8/4- 5K walk. Woke up this morning and my achilles was screaming at me. Tried to go for a run but after a few hundred metres pulled the pin and did a 5K stroll along the Nature Track instead. (The Nature Track is part of the TNF100 course, so this counts as training, right?)

No running the rest of the week- spent the time with my foot on ice and hitting the Nurofen and Voltaren gel.

Friday, April 3, 2009

March 31- April 6.

Got through 6FT in a slow 5.56, moved house to Wentworth Falls... time to think of North Face 100k and further goals down the line....

MONDAY 31/3- 9K. 1.5K to Pitt Park Track, 6K barefoot on grass, 1.5K back. Felt like shite after the previous day's Great Volcanic mountain race.

TUESDAY 31/3- 12K around the streets of Wentworth Falls in the esteemed company of Kieron Thompson. Had planned to run long today but had to go to work for a few hours in the afternoon instead. Steady rain.

WEDNESDAY 1/4- 6K incl. 3K tempo in 13.19. Not much time today so flogged myself at the track to get some benefit from a 30 minute session. Also gives me a benchmark to aim at.

THURSDAY 2/4- 9.5K Lap of the Falls- home- Con Hut- Shortcut Track- picnic area- waterfalls- Rocket Point- Hordern Rd- Tableland Rd- highway- Cascade St- home. Felt like crap pretty much the whole way. Not much helped by me leaving all my running shorts at work the night before and having to run in Mel's soccer shorts instead...

FRIDAY 3/4- 9.5K Lap of the Falls again, a minute or two quicker but still struggling.

SATURDAY 4/4- 31.5K. Ran from home to work. Wentworth Falls- Railway Pde- Bullaburra-Loftus St- Lawson- Hazelbrook- Woodford- Faulconbridge- Springwood- Warrimoo. Felt pretty good actually, haven't done a road run this long in a few years. Cool, misty weather.

Flake, I got the belt for 6FT number 12 this year. Just six more till I get the jacket!

SUNDAY 5/4- 31.5K. Repeat of yesterday's run on a muggy day and tired legs. Brought up 108K for the week- first training run over 100K in three years. Neat.